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How do I add long stay discounts?

Details about adding discounts for weekly or monthly stays to your property.

Skyler Garcia avatar
Written by Skyler Garcia
Updated over a week ago

Instead of offering weekly or monthly rates like HomeAway or VRBO, Lodgable uses long-stay discounts instead. We've found that this method is more universally accepted by our partner booking channels and that it is more dynamic.

To add a long-stay discount, follow the directions below:

 1. View a list of your properties and select the one that you would like to edit by clicking on it or by clicking the action menu (three dots on the far right).

2. Once you're in edit mode, locate and click the link called "Discounts" under the section titled "Other."

3. Click the orange button titled "Add discount" and it will pop open a new window. Once the new window is open, set how many nights the guest must stay (Length of Stay)  to receive the discount:

  • For example, 1 night to 7 nights would apply a weekly discount and 1 to 28 nights would apply the equivalent of a monthly discount. However, you can adjust it to fit your preference. 

3. Next, set the discount percentage " % "amount.

4. Next, set the dates that the discount will be in effect. By default, Lodgable sets the discount to be enforced for two years. 

5. Once you save the discount, it will appear in a table on the "Long-stay Discounts" page. If you want to add another discount, click the "Add discount" button again. You can add multiple discounts for the same dates if the length of stay and discount percentages differ.

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